function myScript(){
  var myScript="<script>" ;
  myScript += "function display(val) {" ;
  myScript += "document.getElementById('textval').value += val" ;
  myScript += " }";
  myScript += " function eval1() {";
  myScript += "    let x = document.getElementById('textval').value";
  myScript += "    let y = eval(x)";
  myScript += "    document.getElementById('textval').value = y";
  myScript += "}";
  myScript += "function clr() {";
  myScript += "document.getElementById('textval').value = ''";
  myScript += "}";
  myScript += "</script>";
  return "<script>" + myScript + "</script>" ;
// defining our calculator function
function myCalc() {
  // HTML Body of Table is build as a series of concatenations (+=)
  var body = "";
  var script=myScript();
  // making a header
  body += "<p>Calculator</p>";
  body += "<div>A JS Calculator</div>";

  body +=  "<table border='1'>";
  body +=     "<tr>";
  body +=          "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='c' onclick='clr()' /> </td>";
  body +=          "<td colspan='3'><input type='text' style='background-color:blue;color: white;' id='textval' /></td>";
  body +=     "</tr>";
  body +=  "<tr>";
 body +=    "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='+' onclick='display('+')' /> </td>";
 body +=    "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='1' onclick='display('1')' /> </td>";
 body +=    "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='2' onclick='display('2')' /> </td>";
 body +=    "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='3' onclick='display('3')' /> </td>";
 body += "</tr>";
body += "<tr>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='-' onclick='display('-')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='4' onclick='display('4')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='5' onclick='display('5')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='6' onclick='display('6')' /> </td>";
body += "</tr>";
body += "<tr>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='*' onclick='display('*')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='7' onclick='display('7')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='8' onclick='display('8')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='9' onclick='display('9')' /> </td>";
body += "</tr>";
body += "<tr>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='/' onclick='display('/')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='.' onclick='display('.')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='0' onclick='display('0')' /> </td>";
body +=     "<td><input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='=' onclick='eval1()' /> </td>";
body += "</tr>";
  body += "</table>";
   // Build and HTML fragment of div, table, table body
  return (
    "<script>" + script + "</script>" +
    "<div>" +
      "<table>" +
        body +
      "</table>" +




A JS Calculator
<input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='+' onclick='display('+')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='1' onclick='display('1')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='2' onclick='display('2')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='3' onclick='display('3')' />
<input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='-' onclick='display('-')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='4' onclick='display('4')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='5' onclick='display('5')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='6' onclick='display('6')' />
<input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='*' onclick='display('*')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='7' onclick='display('7')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='8' onclick='display('8')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='9' onclick='display('9')' />
<input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='/' onclick='display('/')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='.' onclick='display('.')' /> <input type='button' style='background-color:red;color: white;' value='0' onclick='display('0')' />