Plan for quiz:

  1. Home screen will contain 2 choices; one is for a quiz and the other is a drawing game

  • Blue Quiz

  • Red Quiz

Score: variable score created

  1. Blue Quiz: 2 vacation paths; only right way is valid and left way doesn’t work

  2. Mexico path takes to first question: Which flag is Mexico’s flag?

    1. If wrong options are clicked, then taken to a screen showing answer

    2. If correct answer is chosen, then taken to a screen saying “correct,” and 1 point is added to variable score

    3. Button taking to next question is present, on both result screens

  3. Question 2: What is the capital of Mexico?

    1. If wrong options are clicked, then taken to a screen showing answer

    2. If correct answer is chosen, then taken to a screen saying “correct,” and 1 point is added to variable score

    3. Button taking to next question is present, on both result screens

  4. Question 3: What year was the Mexican revolution? (1910)

    1. If wrong options are clicked, then taken to a screen showing answer

    2. If correct answer is chosen, then taken to a screen saying “correct,” and 1 point is added to variable score

    3. Button taking to next question is present, on both result screens

  5. Final screen shows score out of 3

  1. Red Quiz: exploring with neo and trinity

  2. Taken to a page with drawing game:

    1. Set 2 sliders; one for y and one for x position

    2. Use get command to show turtle where sliders are, based on what user puts x and y as

    3. Change pen color based on button clicked

    4. Ask for pen size in a prompt

College Board Standards:

Rubric Explanation
Program Purpose and Function
  • Inputs: user inputs which answer they want for blue choice path, and inputs x/ y value, color, and size of turtle when drawing

  • Purpose: to create a quiz and drawing game that users can play with

  • Outputs: score and drawing

Managing Complexity

No lists used

  • If loops are used to set the pen size in red answer choice path

Procedural Abstraction
  • Shown on planning doc

  • All choices/ response plans are mapped out on this docx file (above)

Algorithm Implementation
  • This platform did not allow for algorithm implementation, so on event blocks were used repeatedly

  • Console method outputs were used for debugging purposes and to see where any code went wrong if there were problems

Data Abstraction
  • I stored a variable for score, and added 1 every time user got the correct answer

  • There were also variable for x and y position in the drawing game, which were determined by user