P1 Sophia P2 Haoxuan Self
Project Quality 1 1 1
Input 1 1 1
Create, Read, 1 1 1
Update, delete 0 0 0
Individual code quality, review and observe comments 1 1 1
BE review, observe if Individual API handles error conditions 0 0 1; no conformation page is shown if a blank submission is attempted
BE review, observe if Individual API contains GET and POST methods 1 1 1
BE review, observe that Individual code contains database operations that support Create, Read 1 1 1
BE review, observe that Individual code contains database operations that support Update, Delete (above requirement) 0 0 0
Total 6 6 7
Below are silent review scores      
Team RT     1
Individual RT     0.5
Runtime Links (on RT issue)     0.5
Guides for Review     0.5
Technical Achievements, backend focus (below)     0.5
Video (on RT issue)     0.5
GitHub analytics (on RT issue)     0.5
Bonus, substitute and personal achievement for .5 more     0
Total     4

Overall total + NATM blog: 10.33 avg

Personal Achievements

Debugging and finding/ fixing errors on aws: While connecting frontend to backend, I had many issues with fetching the aws link. I learned that before committing a change on our flask server, my teammates and I should run the command docker-compose up –build, so we can find and fix errors before crashing our entire deployed site. I also made use of the inspect feature on my browser when finding issues with my frontend, specifically formatting and when the table of recipes was not displaying correctly. I found that adding alerts throughout each step was a great way to see where errors occurred, so I could pinpoint the exact problem within my code.

Evidence of Requirements

Link to video demonstration of project: https://www.loom.com/share/ff02b8538267459f9a4dfc420c69c04a


Create + Read (see video for demonstration)

Error Correction + Testing (many alerts)

Operations in Fastpages code that support Create + Read